Monday, September 24, 2007

Detour from the Norm.

We went to New York. We played in New York. We left New York...and not a second too soon. The heat and humidity killed. All I wanted to do was lay in our cheap little hotel room with the possibly poisonous air conditioner and broil until we made our trek back across the remaining states. No one else felt I should do that though, so I showed up like a good band mate and played my heart out to a crowd that would insult other crowds by being called a crowd. Not our biggest gig ever, but it was something. Even if only one person likes you they can spread your name to all their friends and so on. Like a game of telephone...hopefully with better results. (Image found here)

So now we're in the midwest enjoying it's midwesty goodness. I wonder why it's called the midwest. Wouldn't it also technically be the mideast? Maybe we should call it the mid U.S.

Anyway...I'd talk about what we've done since we've gotten here only we haven't done much. Just rested, walked around and enjoyed the scenery. Sometimes I wonder whether or not I'd be happier living in the city or in a more rural area. I weigh the pros and cons a lot in my head.

City Pros
-Always something to do.
-Good local music scene + band.
-My friends and family.
-Is in California near the ocean.
-Interesting people to watch.

Town Pros
-People don't rush around as much.
-Closer communities.
-More natural surroundings.
-Bigger property.

City Cons
-I'm broke all the time.
-Live in a tiny place.
-Can't go in some areas for fear of mugging.
-So much concrete, not enough trees.

Town Cons
-And the people are where?
-Is anyone here not white?
-Nothing to do unless you make it up yourself...and who has time for that? :P
-Everyone knows your business.

So you see my predicament.

I have a long while before I need to make that decision though. I also want to go places. I don't want to stay around here my entire life. Spread the word of us to all your friends so we can tour all over the world.

Time to sound check. Will write again from Arizona.

And now, your moment of Zen.



Nicole Leigh said...

I really like your blog. it is fiction right? My boyfriend is a musician and his band has done two U.S. tours. He has called me from the middle of nowhere bored out of his mind. I think your pros and cons of the city versus small town is accurate. I live in a suburb and sometimes want to move to the city, but there are some aspects of the city I just can't hang with.

Zoe said...

I moved to San Francisco from a small town in the midwest so your pros and cons list comparing cities and towns was definitely something I could relate to. Personally, the biggest difference I've found between California and the rest of the country is the presence of seasons. It continues to weird me out when the leaves don't change colors here in the fall, and I really do miss the snow during the holidays. However, I agree with you on the lack of things to do in towns. We used to drive to the nearby cities on the weekends just to have a change of scenery because every where you go in a small town you are bound to run into the same people...boring!

Ryannn said...

I toured with my brother's band through western Canada this past April and your blog captures many of the feelings of being on the road in a band. It's amazing how little you know about yourself and the rest of the world until you've been on a 6 hour car-ride while hungover and on 3 hours sleep. Four times in a row.

I like the small town vs city thing. Though not as bad as other places I guess, I grew up mostly in small towns like Bakersfield, Clovis, and Walnut Creek, and I prefer not to go visit Walnut Creek because of most of the small town Cons on your list. Well done.

Samantha Axelrod said...

Your lists are very valid. Seems to me that you should live in a place that has a little bit of both of town and city. I love the city, but I'm usually broke. I love small towns, but I get bored even in big towns! Why don't you live in Oakland!?

Marie Drennan said...
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Marie Drennan said...

I can see from the comments people are leaving that your blog is causing much intrigue -- well done! It really does sound like an actual band member on the road, very close detail and a "voice" that I completely believe in and like a lot. You've captured the "roaming mind" style in a very genuine-seeming way. Great list of city pros and cons. Thanks for the moment of zen!

Just one bug: put a comma before "though" both times.