Wednesday, September 12, 2007

About those other 3 blogs...

The life of a local musician is not an easy or simple one. The constant touring, writing, recording, and interacting with fans can take a toll on a person. The blog of a touring, underground musician can be one of the more interesting things to read.

It's interesting reading the blog of Time Again. I've actually hung out with those guys. It's strange reading about the things they go through. It's not quite the impression you get when you meet them in person. Either they're really happy to be there or it's a facade. Not so sure about that.
They're also pretty good writers. Guys in punk bands tend be stereotyped as bad writers. It was exciting being able to read something in their blog other than, "We're playing here next week," or "New album comes out this week."

The blog for the Unseen is a bit more interesting. They aren't a very big band, they aren't tiny either, but they don't get a tour bus or free catered meals. They've been around for a long time so they know a lot and have a lot to say. They'll sometimes post lyrics or tour plans, but the bassist Tripp often posts blogs about social issues or current issues. He writes for AP (Alternative Press). Their grammar isn't quite as good as Time Again's, but fun to read nonetheless.

Warner Drive is a band I met through my cousin. They do Tour Diaries that describe parts of their tour. I've learned that it's a tough "job" to tour.*
It's also very fun and unexpected. Their blog is also written very well and they're very long. They get to tour in a van with each other for months and sometimes things get a little strained. It's also written by the lead singer/lyricist. Makes sense it being so nicely written.

These blogs are only Myspace blogs. I searched on the search engines for local band blogs but came up empty. So I figured I'd just use the bands I already like who write blogs.

*As I'm writing this I hear a crunching, breaking noise from outside and just as hear that I hear someone repeatedly say "ow." I turn off my TV to see if I still can hear it. I go into the hall and ask my mom if she heard it. She apparently thought someone was taking out the garbage. My dad apparently thought maybe someone was trying to steal his motorcycle and got stuck under it. My mom and dad go outside first then they come back and tell me to call 911. I do and tell them all I know which is all you know now. I go outside and see my mom sitting next to a lady who is lying down and she asks for pillows. I come out and my mom says she got caught under her car. She says the parking brake gave out or she didn't put it on. I live on a hill, so she probably didn't park close enough but she still curbed her tires. That's why the car ended up in the bushes across the street. First one police man comes, then another, and another and then a fire truck. Eventually the ambulance comes and takes her. Her husband and son come too. Turns out she works with my mom transcribing tapes and she was picking up some. Anyway, long story even longer, she broke both bones in her right leg. Compound fractures. When they took her in the ambulance we saw blood on the ground where she was. Her leg was really swollen. So much so they had to cut her pant leg off.

Anyway...They finally left and now everyone is really grateful that I heard her.

1 comment:

Marie Drennan said...

Fascinating! Your insider's view of the band-bloggers, and your insights into how punk bands are usually perceived and what usually goes on around them, make great reading — you have knowledge to share and you do it thoughtfully and articulately. Very engaging writing style with plenty of personality.

"they're grammar" should be "their"; "as good as Time Again's"; car "brakes".

And yikes, I'm glad you heard that woman, too! What a bizarre thing to experience.